Kheema Mattar and the journey so far!

Kheema Mattar is a recipe I have been meaning to post for ages, but for some reason have never quite got around to it! However, today was our Slimming World group’s Woman of the Year competition and taster session, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to share it, both physically in group…

Back to the start

So, err… sorry… I’ve been AWOL again for a while. I kinda fell off the wagon again… Being ill SUCKS. Like, really, really sucks. It has sapped away all my energy and positivity and left behind a grumpy, emotional, doubting Thomas. I am sooooo fed up with it now. And what’s worse is that according…

Lamb, Aubergine and Lentil Curry

My dear husband knows that I am incapable of following a recipe. It is very rare that I will ever follow one exactly. More often than not I will pick two or three that look interesting and make some combination of them. This recipe is no exception. (And trust me, I am well aware of…

Not Quite Saag Aloo

I don’t know the word for Butternut Squash in any Indian dialects. So it has a silly name. But it’s LUSH! This is the perfect speed-food accompaniment to a Slimming World curry and has swiftly become one of my favourite recipes. So much so that it currently has pride of place as my ‘featured image’…